Warning! It is just a demo wallet for the Ethereum Wallet WordPress development plugin for ERC20 and NFT tokens balance check and send/recieve. Do not use it for significant amount of Ether or tokens.

You need to be logged in to use this ethereum wallet.

Your account address

Account display
Account display

Use the [ethereum-wallet-account] shortcode to display it

  • label attribute can be used to change the default label displayed: [ethereum-wallet-account label="Account"]
  • nolabel attribute set to “yes” hides label completely: [ethereum-wallet-account nolabel="yes"]

Check Ethereum Wallet Balance

Token Balance display with different settings
Token Balance display with different settings

Use the [ethereum-wallet-balance] shortcode to display it.

  • Add the displayfiat="1" attribute to display the calculated fiat balance,
  • The tokeniconpath="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ETH.png" attribute to display a nicely formatted output with icon, and
  • The paper="1" attribute to surround it in panel box:

[ethereum-wallet-balance displayfiat="1" tokeniconpath="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ETH.png" paper="1"].

You can buy Ether with service like binance.com

ERC20 Token balance – Ethereum Wallet

Token Balance display with different settings
Token Balance display with different settings

Use the [ethereum-wallet-balance tokenname="TSX" tokenaddress="0xe762da33bf2b2412477c65b01f46d923a7ef5794"] Ethereum Wallet development shortcode to display it accordingly

You can buy some TSX tokens to fully test the process: Buy TSX tokens.

  • Use tokendecimals attribute to configure the desired digits after the decimal separator count: [ethereum-wallet-balance tokendecimals="2" tokenname="TSX" tokenaddress="0xe762da33bf2b2412477c65b01f46d923a7ef5794"]
  • Use tokendecimalchar attribute to configure the desired decimal separator character: [ethereum-wallet-balance tokendecimalschar="," tokenname="TSX" tokenaddress="0xe762da33bf2b2412477c65b01f46d923a7ef5794"]

Token fiat balance

Token Balance display with different settings
Token Balance display with different settings

Use the [ethereum-wallet-balance tokenname="TSX" tokenaddress="0xe762da33bf2b2412477c65b01f46d923a7ef5794" tokenwooproduct="400" displayfiat="1"] shortcode to display it

You can buy some TSX tokens to fully test the process: Buy TSX tokens.

The tokeniconpath attribute turns it to a more sophisticated widget with token icon:

[ethereum-wallet-balance tokensymbol="TSX" tokenname="Test Coin" tokenaddress="0x6Fe928d427b0E339DB6FF1c7a852dc31b651bD3a" tokenwooproduct="123" displayfiat="1" tokeniconpath="https://example.com/icons/BTC.png" paper="1"].

NFT Tokens list

NFT display
NFT display

Use the [ethereum-wallet-nft columns="3" rows="2"] shortcode to display tokens of the current user.

Your NFT Tokens

Or, alternatively, you can use the [ethereum-wallet-nft columns="3" rows="2" account="0x6975be450864c02b4613023c2152ee0743572325"] form to display tokens for an account specified. See the Ethereum Wallet NFT Extension for a demo please.

The updatetimeout attribute specified in seconds can help to reduce the API usage.

Send form – Ethereum Wallet

Ethereum Wallet Send Form
Send Form

Use the [ethereum-wallet-sendform] Ethereum Wallet shortcode to display it

tokenslist attribute can contain a single allowed token address or a comma separated list of allowed token addresses.

Last transactions history

Transactions history list
Transactions history list

Use the [ethereum-wallet-history direction="inout"] shortcode to display it

The direction attribute can have values:

  • in to show only input transactions,
  • out to show only output transactions, or
  • inout to show both input and output transactions. Used by default.

New account creation

Ethereum Wallet Add new account
Add new account

Use the [ethereum-wallet-account-management-create] Ethereum Wallet shortcode to display it

List accounts

Select account
Select account

Use the [ethereum-wallet-account-management-select] shortcode to display the accounts list and default account selection form

Import private key

Ethereum Wallet Import private key
Import private key

Use the [ethereum-wallet-account-management-import] Ethereum Wallet shortcode to display the private key import form

Export ethereum wallet private key

Ethereum Wallet Export Account
Export Account

Use the [ethereum-wallet-account-management-export] shortcode to display the private key export form


Ethereum Wallet Accounts leaderboard
Accounts leaderboard

Use the [ethereum-wallet-accounts-table] shortcode to display the active users leaderboard.

  • tokenaddress attribute forces this table to display token balances instead of the Ether
  • mintokenamount attribute forces this table to display users with token balances greater or equal to the mintokenamount value set
  • Tools / Ethereum Wallet submenu can be used to manually recalculate user account balances