
EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin


EthPress Web3 Login Wordpress Plugin adds the capability to connect with cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask or WalletConnect QR code

Item: 59 Sales
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The EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin adds a capability to connect with cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon (MATIC) or any other EVM-compatible blockchain, and wallets that support WalletConnect QR code. Adds a button to WordPress login screen that will let users securely log in with their crypto wallet.

Click here to purchase the EthPress plugin with a credit card:

Or just install the free EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin plugin first, and then purchase the Professional plan subscription directly from plugin settings menu. Free 7 days Trial is available!

wordpress metamask connect demo

Add the capability to log in with cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask for Ethereum, and wallets that support WalletConnect QR code. Adds a button to WordPress login screen that will let users securely log in with their crypto wallet.

In the background, a regular WordPress user account is created, so existing plugins and customizations will have no problem working along.

Features – EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin

  • A web3 login button is added to your login screen automatically
  • Use the EthPress widget for maximum ease
  • Alternatively, a shortcode  [ethpress_login_button] can be used
  • The login_button_label attribute can be used to change the label for the login button displayed with a [ethpress_login_button] shortcode
  • Local signature verification. To verify signatures locally with JavaScript, see this guide please.
  • Managed Verification Service
  • EthPress login button on a WooCommerce Login Form
  • The [ethpress_account] short code can be used to display the current user’s address logged with.
  • NFT Token based access control for WooCommerce products, simple pages and posts can be done with the EthPress NFT Access Add-On. Free 7 days Trial available!

EthPress NFT Access Add-On can be used to control access for WooCommerce products, simple pages and posts.

WooCommerce My Account page
EthPress login button on a WooCommerce Login Form
Widget config
Use the EthPress widget for maximum ease

Ultimate Member

The Ultimate Member plugin is supported

The EthPress Button predefined field
The EthPress Button predefined field editor
The Register with a Crypto Wallet button
The Login with a Crypto Wallet button
The Wallet address fied displayed on a user profile page
The Wallet address fied can be re-linked on a user profile page


By using this plugin you accept all responsibility for handling the account balances for all your users.

Under no circumstances is or any of its affiliates responsible for any damages incurred by the use of this plugin.

Every effort has been made to harden the security of this plugin, but its safe operation depends on your site being secure overall. You, the site administrator, must take all necessary precautions to secure your WordPress installation before you connect it to any live wallets.

You are strongly advised to take the following actions (at a minimum):

By continuing to use any of the plugins, you indicate that you have understood and agreed to this disclaimer.



These hooks can be used to add your custom logic after user logged in or linked an account using the EthPress plugin functionality.

The login_redirect hook is a standard WordPress hook you can use to customize the page user should be redirected after login.

 * Fires after every login attempt.
 * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user WP_User on success, WP_Error on failure.
 * @param (string|false) $provider One of 'metamask', 'walletconnect', false.
do_action( 'ethpress_login', $user, $provider );

 * Fires after every user account linking success.
 * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user WP_User on success, WP_Error on failure.
 * @param (string|false) $provider One of 'metamask', 'walletconnect', false.
do_action( 'ethpress_linked', $user, $provider );

 * Filters the login redirect URL.
 * @param string           $redirect_to           The redirect destination URL.
 * @param string           $requested_redirect_to The requested redirect destination URL passed as a parameter.
 * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user                  WP_User object if login was successful, WP_Error object otherwise.
$redirect_to = apply_filters( 'login_redirect', $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user );

l10n – EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin

This EthPress Web3 Login WordPress Plugin is localization ready.

Languages this plugin is available now:

  • English
  • Spanish(Español)

Feel free to translate this plugin to your language.

Additional information


Lifetime support and updates guaranty

Refund policy

7-days money back, excluding payment system fees



Single Site, 2-Sites, 3-Sites, Unlimited


Monthly, Annually, Lifetime


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