Smart Contract NFT Development Services – NFT, ERC20 Tokens and Crowdsale

(1 customer review)


Smart contract development services for the Ethereum blockchain ICO crowdsale, ERC20 and NFT tokens and custom solidity smart contracts development. Choose from standard options below or contact us for a free consultation to build a completely custom contracts.

NFT Token Options

Select functionalities required for your NFT ERC721/BEP721 token

Non-Fungible ERC721/BEP721 Token Standard basic implementation

Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension

Non-Fungible Token with optional enumeration extension logic

Allows to explicitly allow only given addresses to mint NFTs on your contract. This can be especially useful in multi vendor stores

Contract that have an owner address. Important to easily register this contract as your tokens collection on opensea.

Token that can be irreversibly burned (destroyed).

Non-Fungible Pausable token

ERC2981 - a standardized way to retrieve royalty payment information for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enable universal support for royalty payments across all NFT marketplaces and ecosystem participants.

Contract Deployment

Choose it if you need help with contract deployment in the Ethereum blockchain. Note that you need to provide a way to deploy from your wallet, e.g. with some remote desktop software, or compensate the transaction fee payed for the deploy.

Contracts would be deployed for you

ERC20/BEP20 Token Options

Select additional optional functionalities for your ERC20/BEP20 token

The basic ERC20/BEP20 token with full total_supply pre-minted to the address specified

The ERC777/BEP777 token standard can be used to pay with tokens in one step using the Ether and ERC20 tokens WooCommerce Payment Gateway plugin

Contract that have an owner address. Important to easily register this contract as your tokens on nad any other blockchain explorer.

The token that can be minted after deployment. Allows you to increase the total number of tokens as needed. For example, you can create tokens at the time of sale on ICO.

The token that can be burned by it's owner. Allows you to burn tokens that has not been sold. This may be necessary if tokens are first created and then sold..

The token that adds a cap to the supply of mintable tokens

The emergency stop mechanism in case of hacker attack

Useful for simple vesting schedules like "advisors get all of their tokens after 1 year".

The same as the Token Vesting contact, but for many addresses in one contract. It can be costly or tedious to manage token vesting for many addresses if single token vesting is used. Consider the Multi vesting if many addresses needs to be handled by the vesting procedure.

An open source standard for security tokens. Can be used to enforce any transfer restrictions. Is supported by the Ethereum Wallet plugin.

Contract Deployment

Choose it if you need help with contract deployment in the Ethereum blockchain. Note that you need to provide a way to deploy from your wallet, e.g. with some remote desktop software, or compensate the transaction fee payed for the deploy.

Contracts would be deployed for you

ICO Crowdsale Options

Choose options you need for your Crowdsale contract. This contract is required for the Ethereum ICO WordPress Plugin.

One stage ICO, start/end dates

Add one more ICO stage. The ICO stage can have its own start date and end date, also hard cap, soft cap, rate. For example: preSale, mainSale1, mainSale2 ...

Add one more ICO stage. The ICO stage can have its own start date and end date, also hard cap, soft cap, rate. For example: preSale, mainSale1, mainSale2 ...

Add one more ICO stage. The ICO stage can have its own start date and end date, also hard cap, soft cap, rate. For example: preSale, mainSale1, mainSale2 ...

Add a softcap and a refund functionality. This is the minimum required amount for an ICO owner. If the amount is not collected during the ICO, then the amount is returned to the investors.

Bind your token rate not to Ether but to fiat currency like USD or EUR. The trusted service is used.

Transfer of tokens to investors at the address from the address list. To attract investors, you can send small amounts of tokens to certain wallet addresses. An alternative way is to use the Multisend app

Transfer of tokens to investors who send 0 ETH to the smart contract. To increase the interest in your token, you can allow each one-time to receive a small amount of tokens.

Allow affiliated purchases. Whoever has attracted an investor to you is charged a percentage of the investor's tokens.

Provide discounts for early adopters. For example, you can send bonuses for those who buy your tokens in the early stages.

Allows to forbid given addresses to participate in the ICO

Allows to explicitly allow only given addresses to participate in the ICO. This is necessary when implementing KYC

Use different roles for owner and admin. Roles may be necessary if you want to allow your partners to manage a smart contract or part of its functionality.

Method to emergency stop contract in a case of a critical security flaw discovered

It works as follows: The owner transfers the dividend amount to the smart contract address and reports the payment on his website. After that, each holder investor can receive an amount proportional to the stake he owns.

Contract Deployment

Choose it if you need help with contract deployment in the Ethereum blockchain. Note that you need to provide a way to deploy from your wallet, e.g. with some remote desktop software, or compensate the transaction fee payed for the deploy.

Contracts would be deployed for you

Custom smart contract development

Use the support chat on this page to discuss your custom requirements with our team. Then select this checkbox and input the number of work hours confirmed in the quantity field before purchase please.

Your custom requirements would be implemented

Product price: $20.00
Total options: $0.00
Order total: $20.00
Item: 151 Sales
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Solidity smart contract NFT development services for the Ethereum blockchain NFT tokens, ICO crowdsale, ERC20 tokens and solidity smart contract developer for custom solidity smart contracts development.

Any EVM compatible blockchain like Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with BEP20 or BEP721 or Polygon (MATIC) is supported.

The NFT smart contract is required for the NFT Minting functionality to work in the NFT WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce.

The Crowdsale Contract is required for the Ethereum ICO WordPress Plugin and the ERC20 or BEP20 Token Contract is required for the Cryptocurrency WordPress Plugin for WooCommerce and for the Ethereum ICO WordPress Plugin too.

The ICO Crowdsale purpose is to accept Ether from your investors sending them your ERC20 or BEP20 Tokens in return. It can support a lot of additional functions, like airdrop, bounty, affiliate, multi-stage, refund, fiat-bound token rate, KYC, etc.

A lot of options are supported by these smart contract development services. Feel free to contact us in the support chat if consultation is needed.

Be sure to provide your contact information. Our smart contract developer will contact you to discuss details.

ERC20/BEP20 Token Options

In this options section you can select options needed for your smart contract ERC20/BEP20 token.

smart contract erc20
Cryptocurrency ERC20 Token Interactions

Basic ERC20/BEP20 Token

The basic ERC20/BEP20 token with full total_supply pre-minted to the address specified.

This option is the only required option in the ERC20/BEP20 token section.

ERC777 Token – Smart Contract NFT

The ERC777 token standard can be used to pay with tokens in one step using the Ether and ERC20 tokens WooCommerce Payment Gateway plugin. The simple ERC20 token requires two steps for payment:

  1. Token.Approve method call
  2. Gateway.Payment method call

For the ERC777 token only the Gateway.Payment method call is needed.

Mintable Token

The smart contract ERC20 token that can be minted after deployment. Allows you to increase the total number of tokens as needed. For example, you can mint new tokens when Ether is sent to the Crowdsale smart contract blockchain.

This option is a must if your token is some kind of a stablecoin token. You should be able to mint new tokens on demand in this case.

Capped Token – Smart Contract NFT

The token that adds a cap to the supply of mintable tokens.

If your ERC20/BEP20 token is minted during the ICO Crowdsale it is important to set the maximum amount that can be minted at most. This limit is implemented with the capped token option.

Burnable Token

The token that can be burned by it’s owner.

Allows you to burn tokens that has not been sold. This may be necessary if tokens are first created and then sold.

This option is a must if your token is some kind of a stablecoin token. You should be able to burn tokens when they are exchanged to fiat in this case.

Pausable Token

The emergency stop mechanism in case of hacker attack.

You’ll be provided with a method to pause/resume all token transfer operations.

A must have option for any serious project to fulfil a legal requirements.

ERC1404 – Smart Contract NFT

An open source standard for security tokens. Can be used to enforce any transfer restrictions.

This standard is natively supported by the Ethereum Wallet plugin. The plugin would display error messages implemented in the token contract if user will try to do break any restriction enforced.

ICO Crowdsale Options – Smart Contract NFT

In this options section you can select options you need for your ICO Crowdsale contract. This contract is required for the Ethereum ICO WordPress Plugin.

smart contract crowdsale
Crowdsale smart contract interactions

Basic ICO Crowdsale Contract

The basic one stage ICO contract with start/end dates and token rate.

This option is the only required option in the ICO Crowdsale section.

Additional ICO stage

One or more additional ICO stages. The ICO stage can have its own start and end dates, hard cap, soft cap, rate.

Stage examples: preSale, mainSale1, mainSale2 …

Softcap, refund

Adds a softcap and a refund functionality to your ICO Crowdsale contract.

Softcap is the minimum required amount for an ICO to be considered as a successfull. If the amount is not collected during the ICO, then all collected money are refunded to the investors.

Fiat-bound token rate

Bind your token rate not to Ether but to fiat currency like USD or EUR.

The trusted service is used for this functionality.

Owner Airdrop – Smart Contract NFT

To attract investors, you can send small amounts of tokens to certain wallet addresses.

This option allows token transfers to many potential investors at once for gas saving purposes.

An alternative way is to use the Multisend app, but the Owner Airdrop option can be used if you want to send tokens from your own contract to establish more trust.

User Airdrop – Smart Contract NFT

This airdrop method allows your users to send 0 ETH to your ICO Crowdsale contract address to have some pre-defined small tokens amount in return. Each user can do this only once.

This Airdrop method is preferred if you prefer not to spend a lot of Ether on airdrop transactions gas fees.

Referral/Affiliate System

Allow affiliated purchases. Whoever has attracted an investor to you is charged a percentage of the investor’s tokens.

Bounty/Bonus System

Provide discounts for early adopters. For example, you can send bonuses for those who buy your tokens in the early stages.

Black List – Smart Contract NFT

Allows to forbid given addresses to participate in the ICO

White List/KYC

Allows to explicitly allow only given addresses to participate in the ICO. This is necessary when implementing the Know Your Client (KYC) procedure

User Roles System

Use different roles for owner and admin. Roles may be necessary if you want to allow your partners to manage a smart contract or part of its functionality.

Common use case is the whitelist/blacklist operators role.

Emergency Stop – Smart Contract NFT

Method to emergency stop contract in a case of a critical security flaw discovered.

All transfer operations are restricted. Only the contract owner is able to transfer funds.

This option adds more trust in your ICO project from the investors side.

Token Vesting

A token holder contract that can release its token balance gradually like a typical vesting scheme, with a cliff and vesting period. Optionally revocable by the owner.

Token Multi Vesting

The same as the Token Vesting contact, but for many addresses in one contract. It can be costly or tedious to manage token vesting for many addresses if single token vesting is used. Consider the Multi vesting if many addresses needs to be handled by the vesting procedure.

This is an unique functionality developed and tested by our solidity developer. It will be customized for your specific case with attention to all details.

Dividend Payment Contract

This solidity smart contract blockchain works as follows: The owner transfers the dividend amount to the smart contract address and reports the payment on his website. After that, each holder investor can receive an amount proportional to the stake he owns.

The ERC20 Dividend Payments WordPress plugin can be used to pay dividends to your token holders if they hold tokens on accounts generated by the WordPress Ethereum Wallet plugin.

Contract Deployment – Smart Contract NFT

Choose this option if you need our solidity developer help with contract deployment in the Ethereum blockchain.

Note that you need to provide a way to deploy from your wallet, e.g. with some remote desktop software, or compensate the transaction fee payed for the deployment.

NFT Token Options

Select functionalities required for your ERC721 smart contract NFT token

Basic NFT Token

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Standard basic implementation

This option is the only required option in the smart contract NFT token section.

Burnable Token

Token that can be irreversibly burned (destroyed).

Enumerable Token

Non-Fungible Token with optional enumeration extension logic


Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension

Pausable Token – Smart Contract NFT

Non-Fungible Pausable token

Custom smart contract development

Have not found some option? Need completely custom solidity smart contract to be developed?

Use the support chat on this page to discuss your custom requirements with our team. Then select this checkbox and input the number of work hours confirmed in the quantity field before purchase please.

The Smart Contract Development Services Team

Anton Zubarev is a seasoned blockchain and solidity smart contract solidity developer. He has a lot of experience in a general financial systems development and audit. You can contact him directly with a support chat on this page.

Anton Zubarev